Writing Poetry Differently (Afternoon)
with Marie Howe
The poet Stanley Kunitz once cautioned us against clichés of speech, but he went on to caution us against clichés of thought and feeling as well. What are clichés of thought and feeling? What are ours? How do we undermine, and revise thought habits, feeling habits, and composition habits so that writing (and revision) can become a way of discovering the new? Come prepared to get a little lost. Come ready to generate a lot of writing. Come ready to destroy what you might have had in mind so that you might have an experience you did not anticipate. This workshop will be mostly generative and celebrative with some occasional critique offered by the leader that might be helpful to everyone.
4 Afternoons: Monday 11/11–Thursday 11/14 | 1:30-4:30pm
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“Marie Howe’s poetry is luminous, intense, and eloquent, rooted in an abundant inner life. Her long, deep-breathing lines address the mysteries of flesh and spirit, in terms accessible only to a woman who is very much of our time and yet still in touch with the sacred.” —Stanley Kunitz