
2021 Master Class: Memoir (Morning)


A memoir writing workshop with Adrienne Brodeur.

4 Mornings:  Monday 11/8 – Thursday 11/11, 9:00am-12:00pm

A $100 combination discount will be applied when registering for the conference at the same time.

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with Adrienne Brodeur

This class is a rare opportunity to spend four days with Adrienne and get her direct guidance on your own memoir. She will share her account of the challenges she faced putting her deeply personal—and even shocking—story on the page.

Nearly everyone writing a memoir comes face to face with the question: do I dare write about that? What will my mother, my children, my spouse think? The reality is that the things we most fear to write are often what people most want to read. Adrienne will help you decide how to turn your own intimate and perhaps painful issues into literature, into captivating prose that people are compelled to read, and into a book they will want to own.

Adrienne Brodeur

Adrienne Brodeur is the author of Wild Game, Amazon’s #1 best memoir of 2019.

“Exquisite and harrowing…. [Wild Game] is so gorgeously written and deeply insightful, and with a line of narrative tension that never slacks, from the first page to the last, that it’s one you’ll likely read in a single, delicious sitting.”
— The New York Times